Tuesday, May 11, 2010

steampunk keyboard

 with the status lights glowing through
and #2, with new "branding"...

inspired by Jake Von Slatt and Richard "Doc" Nagy's work; fully functional--it is the keyboard for my desktop computer.

UPDATE: when I wrote this post I was even greener than I am now with blogging, so I didn't know how to link to give the proper credit and "props".  So here is the new and improved entry, with my apologies to readers and my inspirations in this: please click on the links, they both do some gorgeous stuff (note: FYI Doc Nagy's link is to his store since he does sell his work). Thank you!

NEW AND IMPROVED POST: This was inspired by Jake Von Slatt's and Richard "Doc" Nagy's work.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


my first throwies! they're supposed to be in the shape of a heart...in real life the shape shows up better. wish they lasted longer--may add resistors next time per suggestion from Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories(evilmadscientist.com).  Update: The second batch lasted longer with resistors, although yellow and red bulbs were first to go. Green and blue bulbs are dim but still glowing after ten days (at least--I forgot to count...).

Monday, March 22, 2010

Chicken Wire Tool Organizer insp by DudeCraft

This was made from found materials mostly--a trim piece for frame, metal bracket from garage door opener install (leftovers--yay!), tacks. I did break down and buy the chicken wire and S hooks. The metal brackets already had holes, which was a happy coincidence. Didn't use any power tools since was home alone and I have an agreement with my husband about that :)

This hangs to the left of my workspace (old office desk). I have more stuff to hang but am using it as a "current project" tool rack.
(Saved pic as rotated but it didn't upload that way)

UPDATE: I finally figured out how to turn the pic around. Also, mainly, here is a link to the inspiration for this item. Being new to blogging and using it mostly for my private blog, I neglected to include a link mainly because I didn't know any better. My apologies to my readers (thanks, y'all) and Paul Overton of DudeCraft:

This was inspired by DudeCraft. Please check out his site, there's some amazing creativity there.